Mag. Johannes Zink
Lawyer since 2012
Areas of expertise
- Banking law, capital market law, financing
- IT law, Online law und Media law
- Restructuring, reorganisation, insolvency
- The law on business offences, criminal law and compliance
- Business organisations and company law
- Tax offences law
- Law studies in Graz (Mag. iur. 2005)
Professional Expertise
- Managing partner at hba since 2012
- Associate at hba 2007 – 2012
- Chairman of the Board of the Karin Wlaschek Private Foundation
- Supervisory Board of Kulturbetriebe Burgenland GmbH
- Supervisory Board of Athena Burgenland Beteiligung AG
- Member of the board of trustees of the foundation for weiland Prince Philipp Batthyany for the preservation of the old Güssing Castle
- Member of the Task Force Eurofighter of the BMLVS from (2016 – 2019)
- Member of the “CSI Hypo” of the BMF from (2010 -2012)
Foreign Languages
- English