Dr. Eva Tscherner, diplomée
Lawyer since 2021
Areas of expertise
- Inheritance law
- Litigation and dispute resolution
- Damages and warranty law
- Contract law
- Right of recourse
- European civil procedure law
- Civil Law
- Law studies in Graz (Dr. iur. 2011, Mag. iur. 2006)
- Political science studies in Strasbourg, France (diplomée 2007)
Professional Expertise
- Lawyer at hba since 2021
- Associate at Eisenberger (& Herzog) RA GmbH in Graz (2019 – 2021)
- Associate at DDr. Karl Scholz RA GmbH in Lieboch (2017 – 2019)
- Assistant professor at the Institute of Civil law at the Karl-Franzens-University Graz (2012 – 2017)
- Research assistant at the Supreme Court in Vienna (2011)
- University assistant at the Institute of Civil Law at Karl-Franzens-University Graz (2007 – 2011)
- Legal member of the “Grazer Altstadtkommission” since July 2019
Foreign Languages
- English
- French
How heirs can outsmart themselvesRechtspanorama DiePresse print edition from 02.08.2021download pdf
Double publication and preclusion in construction proceedingsbbl 2021, 125 (with G. Eisenberger & Tauß-Grill)read more
Tscherner / SchwarzeneggerRelative testamentary incapacity: revocation of a legacy as a gift to legal heirs(Note to 2 Ob 84/20x), ecolex 2021, 813download pdf
Tscherner / KasparFighting social dumping - but with the right meansRechtspanorama DiePresse print edition from 25.01.2021 (to VfGH 07.10.2020, G 227/2020 & EuGH C-2019/20)download pdf
Comment to 6 Ob 104/11dDRd A 2012, 514
Comment to 10 ObS 55/11bjustIT 2011, 217
Drivers, accumulation principle and complaints against the Posting of Workers Directive newecolex 06/2021, 569 ff (Resource: https://rdb.manz.at/document/rdb.tso.LIecolex20210655)download pdf
The jurisdiction of the posted employee at the temporary place of workin Clavora/Garber (ed.), Die Rechtsstellung von wirtschaftlich, sozial und gesellschaftlich benachteiligten Personen im europäischen, internationalen und nationalen Zivilverfahrensrecht (2012) 157
European Freedom to Provide Services and Freedom of Establishment and the Fundamental Right to Labor Disputesin Grimm/Ladler (ed.), EU-Recht im Spannungsverhältnis zu den Herausforderungen im internationalen Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensrecht (2012) 221
The right of appeal of the quasi-party in case of correction of the party namein Geimer/Schütze/Garber (ed.), Europäische und internationale Dimensionen des Rechts. FS für Daphne-Ariane Simotta (2012) 625
Rulemaking in consumer protection lawin Möslein (ed.), Regelsetzung im Privatrecht (Mohr Siebeck 2019) 303-329
The Aarhus Conventionin G. Eisenberger/Bayer (ed.), Die Aarhus-Konvention (Linde 2020) co-author in chapter B & D
Can behavioral research advance mandatory law, information duties, standard terms and withdrawal rights?Austrian Law Journal 2014, 144-155read more
Austriain Freeland/Prassl (Hrsg), Viking, Laval and Beyond (Hart Publishing 2014) 125-138
Expertise in determining foreign lawin Studiengesellschaft für Wirtschaft und Recht (ed.), Sachverstand im Wirtschaftsrecht (2013) 123-140
Labor relations and European relationssellier european law publishers München, 2012
Tscherner / LurgerIncidental Establishment of paternity in child support recourse proceedings. Contrasting Development in Austria and Germany?JBI 2009, 205
Entscheidungssuche im EuroparechtjusIT 2008/ 69 und 70
Europarecht in den österreichischen RechtsdatenbankenjusIT 2008/ 110 und 112